Discover the developments of GreenCommerce - Tomato - GreenCommerce

The last quarter of 2021 has arrived and that means another new GreenCommerce release. The Tomato release is a mandatory release and has several developments for processing certifications and certificates. From this release it is also possible to find more detail in the batch stock of purchased goods and to provide it with additional source properties such as a GGN or grower code (grower code, PUC, PHC, ...). Read all the release notes below:

In the various stock screens, two extra columns, SellableTransito and AssignableTransito, have been made available to display the number of transits that can be sold and assigned. In addition, a column 'DirectToSalesNumberOfTransit' has been added at batch level. An extra filter has also been added in a number of stock screens that only shows the lines for which SellableTransito is not equal to 0.

Inzicht in actuele transito voorraad

Via a new system parameter, called MRNMandatoryForCustomsClearance, you can choose per company whether the MRN number should be mandatory during customs clearance. In addition, extra validation has been added on the MRN field during customs clearance. This check does not block, but the user can see if the entered MRN is valid or not.

When working multi-company, people also want to be able to see the stock of other companies. By entering the correct license code in the system parameter 'MultipleCompaniesInStockLicense' it is possible to add a company filter to the stock screen. In this filter, the user can choose from the companies that work multicompany. If no company is selected in the filter, the stock of the current company is shown and nothing changes. With this filter it is therefore also possible to only view the stock of another company. The value of the operating filter is remembered so that the next time the screen is opened, the filter is filled immediately. If multiple companies are entered in the filter, the stock is split per company.

Voorraad per bedrijf

Customs can be cleared at locations other than the entry point of the batch. However, this is only possible if transit detours have also been made.

This development makes it possible to actually build up transit stock at other locations. Because this was not possible before, when this version is implemented, the transit stock per location will not be in order. However, the location specific checks will not be performed until the system parameter is activated. As long as the stock per location is not correct, it cannot be switched on yet.

After activating a parameter, detour orders of transit lots can also be created with the transit attribute. It is also possible to enclose a transit document. After creating a transit detour order, the transit characteristic (traffic light) will appear in various places in the application. This can be seen not only in the batch card, but also in the overview of detour orders and when registering goods. Loading schedules containing a transit detour order will also show this characteristic.

This development makes it possible to actually build up transit stock at other locations. Because this was not possible before, when this version is implemented, the transit stock per location will not be in order. However, the location specific checks will not be performed until the system parameter is activated. As long as the stock per location is not correct, it cannot be switched on yet.

Omrijden onder transito

An event is fired if the status of a KCB Declaration has changed.

A new check has been added to the master data of a country that indicates whether a customs declaration is required for a country. This checkmark is enabled by default for non-EU countries when switching to the new version.

In the export administration, the filter has been adjusted so that countries for which customs declarations are required are standardly looked at, instead of countries outside the EU. In addition, the following changes have taken place

  • A customs declaration can now also be created for a country within the EU (the checkmark 'customs declaration required' does not have to be selected either).
  • In a sales order, the label 'Export status' is shown if a customs declaration is required for the destination country.
  • It is now possible to open a transport order directly from the export administration.

Opstellen en verzenden van douane aangifte t.b.v. doorvoer (naar Ierland)

The customs export declarations and KCB declarations screens have been adjusted so that a column 'DestinationsAsText' can be clicked. This column contains comma separated the unique names of the customers of the sales orders of the corresponding sales order lines.

Extra kolom 'Bestemming(en)' in ccDouaneExportAangiftes

The solution direction for the proof of concept is to deepen the purchase order line, whereby several parties within a purchase order line can be characterized.

After enabling "Administrative logistics", it is possible to choose "Do not build pallets". After switching on, you will be asked whether this should be done with or without pallet construction for the automatic handling of shipments and shipment schedules at the relevant location. With the choice for 'Yes' the standard functionality will be performed. Choosing 'No' will keep the appropriate pallets as they are already available. If pallets have to be split, an attempt is first made to supplement these with an existing pallet.

Eenvoudig automatisch verladen - mixpallets

It was desirable to be able to see directly in ccSalesOrders whether the KCB and/or phyto document number of all order lines that can be included in a KCB declaration is known in GreenCommerce. This is why the columns 'AllOrderLinesInKcbDeclarationWithKcbNumber' and 'AllOrderLinesInKcbDeclarationWithPhytoNumber' have been added.

The existing milestone 'KcbDeclarationStatusChanged' has been renamed to 'KcbDeclarationStatusFromSalesChanged'. After this renaming, the milestone will only fire if the status is changed by a change from sales.

The property 'SalesOrderIdsAsText' has been added to both the 'KCBDeclaration' and the 'CustomsExportDeclaration'. This property can be added to the screens using the column selector and shows the IDs of the sales orders concerned, separated by commas.


Kolom met verkooporderid's bij KCB en Douane aangifte

The EDI Invoice message has been expanded with 3 fields:

  • SalesDTM
  • SU Bank account number (supplier)
  • BY Fiscalnum (Buyer)

The Tomato release contains various developments to promote the management of supplier certificates and certifications. The current certification of suppliers can be made in the GreenCommerce trading process. Relevant information is immediately visible to buyers and the right people can take action via a dashboard and smart signaling functions.

In the future, we can match supplier certifications to customer requirements, so that a good match can be made between producer, supplier and customer. In addition, links with external systems have been taken into account, with which certification information can be exchanged.

Are you working with certifications or certificates? Then these developments can mean a lot for your organization! Click here to contact us.

A check has been added in the item master data to indicate whether an item is organic or not. This check mark can also be added as a column to various screens where an item is visible.

In artikel opnemen of het biologisch is

The product main group filters as they are present in Fris.GreenCommerce have been applied in the following screens:

The expected goods lines are filtered by the product main groups.

The incoming batches are filtered by the main product groups.

ccBatchSales (for allocating from inventory for both sales and production)
The available batchesare filtered by product main groups

The order lines to be scheduled are filtered based on the presence of the product main group in orders. This is deliberately different from the other screens in order to prevent that unintentionally separate shipment schedules are made from order lines within the same order.

Item controls
In addition, an extension has been made that is active in Fris.GreenCommerce with which every control in which an item can be selected has a standard filter setting with which the active product main group is filtered.

For users with active main group filters, this gives the possibility to find the desired items faster. For users without main group filters, the functionality remains unchanged.

An approval step has been added to the process for the financial master data (items, elements, product groups, services). Based on a setting, functionality can be activated whereby new (or copied) items, elements, services, product groups are marked as 'Not checked' by default.

When working in this way, an extra filter option is available in the different master data screens. Depending on whether a user is also authorized to edit financial master data, the user is given the option to give a financial agreement. This can be done in two ways:

  • Through the financial institutions where ledgers and VAT groups can be filled in at once from a multi-select option.
  • By agreeing per item/element/product group/service via a separate menu item.

A separate screen has also been added to maintain an overview. This shows the data that can still be checked for each master data. In the process, the master data is available immediately. To ensure that no strange things happen financially, a control moment has been added at the time of invoicing (sales).

When the user is allowed, a new menu item 'Transport instructions' appears under [Transport]. Clicking on this menu item opens a list view with transport instructions that fall within the filter values. In addition, it is possible in this screen to manually create a transport instruction, edit a transport instruction or delete a transport instruction. It is also possible to generate a transport order based on a transport instruction. In that case, the transport instruction is transferred one-to-one into a transport order.
A transport instruction can be clicked through to a detail screen. Some data can be adjusted here. Currently, only sales order lines can be added to a transport instruction. This is possible by selecting one or more lines in the sales order and then choosing 'Plan in transport instruction'. Finally, it is possible for a carrier to set whether the costs should be booked as standard on a transport instruction or on a transport order. If the checkbox is unchecked, a transport instruction for this carrier is created by default at fixed costs with a value of 0.

By means of a new system parameter, one or more standard locations can be assigned for a user, which are used as a standard location filter in a number of logistics screens. The following screens now use this new default filtering:

  • ccAssignments
  • ccProductionPlanning
  • ccProductionResourcePlanning
  • ccToBePlannedTransportPlanningLines
  • ccToBePlannedBeforeShipment
  • ccShipments
  • ccIncomingBatches
  • ccPalletsInStock
  • ccBatches
  • ccTransportAssignments
  • ccShippingSchedules
  • ccExpectedGoods

The location filters in the screens above have been adjusted to be able to select multiple locations.

No release notes were found with this filter.

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