Fennel - GreenCommerce

The Fennel release is the last quarterly version of 2024 and therefore mandatory. In this release you can find filter extensions in several screens, such as Transport orders and the export administration. Furthermore, a new option 'Change location' has been added to the Sales order line screen. New developments have also been added to the Production App and the Apps menu has been changed, freeing up more space to display information, without sacrificing ease of use. Read all the release notes below:


A new layout for the menu has been applied in the GreenCommerce Apps. For example, a hamburger menu was chosen that slides out from the left side, instead of the tabs that remained on the screen. This new structure also creates space to place the 'Your Apps' section in a different location. This again provides more space to display information from the chosen App, without compromising the provision of information.

The EdiLine Number is now also stored in the sales order line reference. When the reference of a sales order line has been filled, it is written to the byordlinenum field of the Desadv and Invoice message. If the reference is empty, the EdiLineNumber is used. If this is also empty, the field will not appear in the message. When splitting a sales order line, it is now possible to transfer the reference to the new sales order line. An extra option has been added for this in the split screen.

Even when partially moving a sales order line, it is now possible to retain the reference.

A check has been added for sales orders with the type 'handling' and 'handling correction'. Services (and/or costs) will be invoiced for handling. These invoices are created via the new handling invoices screen. This check ensures that the same orders do not also appear in the 'invoice orders' screen. They were there with 0 value and were unnecessary.
The following matters are taken into account to make an order non-invoiceable:

  • No order line in the order with value (quantity x price)
  • There is no order line in the order from which a deposit follows on invoices
  • No service registrations in the order and order lines that are invoiceable
  • No creditable cost items are present in the order

In the 'Residual assignments' tab of an assignment it is now also possible to add a single remaining assignment. For this purpose, the 'Add' button has been expanded with the options 'Single item' and 'Multi item'. At 'Single item' the item of the residual order can be selected and, if necessary, a sticker comment and internal comment can be added. In the Production App, 2 extra fields have been added when creating and editing a residual order, namely 'Label instruction' and 'Internal comment'. The Label instruction is the comment sticker you know from GreenCommerce.

It is now possible to indicate at relationship level whether pallet data must be adopted if the item changes in a sales order line. This setting can be found under the “customer” tab in the relationship master data screen.

When changing a daily price in the daily price grid, only the changed price groups are saved instead of the entire line. The dates of the price groups that have not changed will no longer be updated. If a line has been modified but not yet saved, the background color of the modified price group will become slightly darker. When you click on another line, the changed price groups are saved and the background color is reset.

From the “Customs export declarations” screen it is possible to complete a customs export declaration, whereby the MRN is also reset. This is available via the menu item 'Undo finalization'. When undoing the finalization, a warning is first given. An additional message is then placed in the log.

The form used for transport planning has been expanded with additional input fields to enter a transport scale, cost program and shipmen and unloading dates.

  • Transport scale + scale line is automatically determined based on the order lines that are planned for transport (from the customer/supplier master settings)
  • Shipment date, time, unloading date and unloading time are automatically determined based on the order lines that are scheduled for transport. This is done on the basis of the shipment/unloading data from the relevant order lines.

A filter by customer and business unit (if available) has been added in the 'Complaints' screen.

In the 'Customs export declarations' screen it is now possible to filter by export agent.

The transport order has been expanded with additional data whereby border crossing data for export and import can be recorded:

  • Date + time of output
  • Terminal location of output
  • Date + time of entry
  • Terminal location of entry

The fields are only available for a transport order where a border crossing is 'expected'. This is determined based on the settings recorded for countries and whether the customs module is used.

The following fields can be used by FreshBabel and other digital communications services:

  • Date of border crossing for export (+ time)
  • Date of border crossing for import (+ time)
  • Import date of customs declaration
  • Border crossing terminal for export
  • Border crossing terminal for imports
  • Means of transport of delivery
  • Means of transport number of delivery
  • TransportUnitCode of transport (container code / trailer number)


A new 'Change location' option has been added to the Sales Order Line screen. This makes it possible to change the sales location of the sales order line and the purchasing location of the assigned batches. The supplier can also be changed.
Once the choice has been confirmed, a warning will be displayed to confirm whether the user is sure, after which the assigned purchase orders will be adjusted.

It is also possible to directly change the quantity of the purchase order line by editing an assignment. The flow has been optimized, with pop-ups combined for speed. The preference is tracked separately via a parameter. When deleting an assignment, it is set to 0 by default, which cannot be edited.

'Create detour order' has also become available in the sales order line screen, which can be activated via a parameter. In addition, 'Purchase' has been added as an option, with which you can fully purchase the remaining quantity of the sales order line.

The search functionality in the Production App has been expanded in 2 different places:

  • If you want to search for a specific item in a field, you can search for a combination of search terms using different words (separated by a space). Example: <<Red pepper 5kg>>
  • In a field where a search term is automatically completed, it is possible to search with multiple words.

The pallet conversion window has been expanded with the option to directly print pallet stickers for the results pallets. The pre-filled values ​​are based on the printer settings in the 'Inventory' section.

When registering a service, it has been made possible to add an invoice comment. This takes precedence over the invoice comment in the sales order line/sales order, in the case of services booked on sales. When generating a proforma and invoice, the value entered during service registration is treated with priority. A change in the invoice comment is a commercial change, which allows the proforma to be regenerated.

Please contact support if you want to use this, regarding: a change in the Invoice and Proforma reports.

When invoicing one or more orders/activities, an option has been added to create a collective invoice. By default this is suggested on the customer setting for collective invoicing. If this is chosen, the invoice description is a required field.

The menu item 'Open attachment' on a report line has now also been made available when a process control report has been completed.

Process control reports are now also shown in the Machine overview and, provided you have the correct rights, you can also create and edit reports here.

It is now also clear how many process control reports an assignment contains and how many have been completed.

In the machine overview screen it is now clear how many process control reports a job contains and how many have been completed. This information is only shown if the job has at least one process control report.

With the new parameter: 'MayCustomLocationAdministrativeLogistics', you can set per user whether the location has the administrative logistics characteristic. This setting allows the user to adjust the setting on site.

If the default process control template has been filled in the general settings of the App for the current company, it will now also be suggested when creating a process control report in the Production App.

On smaller screens, the buttons for adding consumption and reservations both became buttons with a plus icon. A distinction has now been made by using a different icon for adding reservations.

When importing the EDI order via the Descartes link, the 'ultimatecustomerreferencenumber' field is written to the end customer reference field of the sales order. When generating the invoice, the end customer reference is now written into the waybillnum field. If the end customer reference field is empty, the freight document number of the sales order is used.

Adding or removing an element price will now be logged at both the element and the element price. Also, changes to the prices of an element relationship price are now logged.

When moving packages to another pallet, the 'Identification number' will now be retained for the part that is moved to the new pallet.

An adjustment has been made in handling the print function so that the set printer preferences are taken into account when selecting [Print].

If no printer has been set up, the pop-up will still appear to select a printer.

In the “Transport planning” screen it is now possible to filter by:

  • Country of shipment
  • Country of unloading
  • Region of shipment
  • Region of unloading

It is now possible to perform this action automatically instead of directly via the 'Continue in the future' option. It is then possible to fill in a number of days. The sales order is then entered into inventory on the delivery date minus the number of days entered. The transit date must always be in the future and can also be the delivery date of the sales order.

GreenCommerce has developed so that a user's full name is revealed when an order is created in GreenXchange based on an assignment or purchase order line. This information is stored in the Contact Person column for an order. If this is filled in for an order, it will be shown behind the owner.

The report “Transport order overview” can now be requested location-specifically. If the report is requested specifically for a location, the @FromLocationID parameter is filled.

In addition, the “Transport order overview” can now be viewed, printed or e-mailed for a specific location. The ability to view location specific documents has also been added for the transport order, cmr and the shipment list.

The filter by region has been replaced by a from and to region filter. In contrast to the previous filter, which looked at the region of the transporter, the regions of the loading and unloading addresses are now taken into account.

Filters have been added for the country of shipment and the country of unloading in the transport orders screen. Filtering is based on the shipment and unloading locations of the planned transports (based on the content in the rules).

An extra piece of logging has been added to the 'Send shipment list' functionality, which now also records the time at which this happens. Information at transport order level has also been made available through a new column. The 'Indirect email' option has also been added.

A filter has been added in the export administration that now also allows you to filter by country of shipment.

Additional fields have been added/checked in the link with e-CertNL:

  • Border crossing in destination country
    For this purpose, the border crossing in the country of destination is submitted. A new field has been made available when creating a declaration, which is suggested in advance by the completed terminal at a sales order or transport order.
  • Place of exporter
    This feature was already present in the coupling
  • Place of importer (in country of destination; if importing in your own name --> then enter the place of delivery address)
    For this purpose, the PlaceLogistics of the first customer is added from the orders.
  • Whether a Business Control System (BCS) is used
    Already present
  • Packaging form --> BX = boxes
    Already present

The following fields have been added to the FactSalesResultMutation table for the Datawarehouse package:

  • QuantityReturn → is filled with the quantity of the batch mutation if the batch mutation is marked as 'returned'
  • NumberDestroyed → is filled with the number of the batch mutation if the batch mutation is marked as 'has been destroyed'

For delivery note lines, the 'Reference' label has been converted into a text field that can be managed. For delivery notes submitted from GreenXchange, the field is disabled as it is not the intention to adjust this reference.
The Excel import module has been expanded so that this reference can also be imported.

A new document type has been added that can be used to record the import declaration for an export declaration.

When all matched information matches, the attachment is linked to the customs declaration as an import declaration. If not, it will be linked to the customs declaration as a regular attachment. In addition, two points in time have also been recorded to better monitor which relevant data has been shared with whom:

  • TimeOutputAgentInformed
  • TimeInputAgentInformed

If you are logged in as [Report administrator] you will be given the option [Manage settings]. Just like from ccReports, you can manage the default settings of the report (such as parameters and standard printers).

SSCC Series can be configured at Master Data -> Production -> SSCC Series. This checks whether there is any overlap with a previously created series; sequences may not be active multiple times.

If SSCC numbers need to be issued for a handling partner, it is necessary to link the series to be created to the relevant relationship.

As a sales organization, you can create the SSCC Series for your organization and link it to one or more locations. When creating an SSCC number for a pallet, it will be checked whether there is an active series for that location.

As soon as a location is configured as a 'Logistics partner', it will be enforced that the logistics partner will issue the SSCC numbers. When processing the shipment, the SSCC numbers on the pallet will be checked against the active SSCC Series.

If the Company Prefix and Company Number are defined in the system settings, these fields are pre-populated and read-only in the SSCC Series.

A milestone “SsccNumberFromSeries” has been added that can be executed on the condition SsccSeries.NumberAvailable.

In the invoices screen, the menu item to email an invoice is the same as the standard email options available in GreenCommerce. Now there are 3 options available: Direct email, indirect email and cancel. It is also possible to send/not send an invoice specification (if FactuurExtraReport has been set up).

There are 2 mail options in the menu; one where the invoice specification is not enabled by default and an option where the invoice specification is enabled by default.

A setting has been created that determines whether the price of elements in handling orders always becomes the price of the owner of the order. This also happens if the element is supplied by a third party. This is behind a parameter.

For one-off services it is now possible to specify the number of units in the service template. For periodic services it is still possible to specify the number of hops (number of days a rate is valid) and the hop size (number of times a hop has been performed).

From now on, when setting the standard and company columns, a warning will first be given via a pop-up.

The indicator for zero prices has been expanded with a check that also checks indication and commission sales prices. The indicator is therefore functionally expanded here with 'price not known'; which may mean that a zero price is active, an indicative price is present or that sales have been made on the basis of commission.

A new task has been added that allows users to be authorized to change the item for sales order lines assigned to customer orders via menu item [Change Item].

The functionalities behind sending a system document [Purchase order unloading list] have been expanded. For the manual sending action (direct/indirect) via [Documents] → [Purchase order unloading list], an extension has been added that, after sending, the 'Time of ReceiptLocationInformed' on the purchase order is now also updated.

In addition to the display of standard recipients with a digital link, the default settings for sending the unloading list are now also indicated. The checkboxes can be used to set which locations and which recipients should receive messages (depending on whether a digital link has been set up for this). Standard suggestions are given based on the master data. After emailing the unloading list, a status and time are recorded with the purchase order. The columns can be added to the purchase orders overview.

The same solution has been applied to informing the producers of orders. Unlike purchasing, when e-mailing the order form, the [Order Emailed] field continues to be used, in which the time of sending is fixed.

This development ensures that you can check and process multiple messages in the inbox. A one-time warning will be issued in the event of potential double processing of messages to be read automatically.

The Datawarehouse module has been expanded with 2 additional columns for storing the associated transaction date and transaction numbers. The date column is also linked to the date calendar so that a link can easily be made here.

The command has been extended with a new property: LastModifiedByUser. This property keeps track of which user last modified the assignment.

No release notes were found with this filter.

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