Garlic release | Release notes - GreenCommerce

The Garlic release is the first quarterly version of 2025. It is a mandatory version that includes, among other things, several developments for service providers. For example, developments for invoicing periodic services. Additionally, you can find new functionalities in the linked applications, such as the WMS App, GreenXchange, and the Production App. Read all the release notes here:

From the developed pallet assignment screen, it is now possible to assign part of a pallet (line) to a sales order or production assignment. By double-clicking on a pallet line in the pallet assignment screen, the desired quantity can be specified.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

When the task ‘F6Service’ is assigned to a user, they can now use the Quick Task menu (F6) with the code ‘DI’ followed by the unique code of a service to quickly navigate to a service.

The same applies to a dossier, where the code ‘DO’ followed by the ID of a dossier allows navigation to that dossier.

Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

The menu item [Move] in the WMS App has been expanded to include the ability to move pallets that have already been deactivated to another sublocation.

The status checkbox "Active"or "Inactive" will be retained.

A new milestone has been created to specifically check for missing data links (GLN, GTIN/EAN, SenderCode). The milestone is triggered only when the status of the import message changes to "Checked with Errors" due to a missing link.

If the same message is checked again and its status does not change, the milestone will not be triggered again to prevent spam.

To ensure the reference of an owner can be tracked throughout the entire process, a new reference field can now be filled in at the pallet line level. This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Manually: Through options like [Edit pallet data] in a purchase order.
  2. Via Inbox: By receiving a supply order message (106).
  3. Via Inbox: By receiving a storage instruction message (500).
  4. Via Excel Import: By mapping the field [Source Reference] to a column in the Excel sheet.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.


An extra input field has been added during pallet finalization, allowing the 'Reference Owner' to be manually filled in. This feature is available in both GreenCommerce and the Production App.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

The destinations for pallet lines have been expanded to include a new type: 'Sales Order'. This destination is automatically used when reserving pallets for sales orders, which is a functionality used for pallet calls.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

A new option has been added to the sales order to sell directly from pallet stock (ALT + 9).

The list of available pallets is filtered based on the requirements specified in the sales order, considering the following characteristics:

  • Whether or not a quality block is allowed
  • Exclusion of pallets fully reserved for other destinations
  • The pallet is active or not yet received
  • There is assignable stock for the batches on the pallet
  • The pallet is not located in a sublocation exclusively for production
  • The pallet meets any mandatory phytosanitary status required by the sales order
  • The pallet meets any mandatory CoC (Chain of Custody) status required by the sales order

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.


In the WMS App, new controls have been added to prevent picking pallets that have not been assigned. Additionally, the pallet assignment screen has been enhanced to allow pallets to be assigned to sales orders.

These options are controlled by the parameters ‘WorksWithPalletReservationForDestinations’ and ‘PalletRegistration’.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

When working with PalletRegistration and Destinations, handling sales orders are now equipped with a new ‘Pallets’ tab. This tab allows users to see which pallets are (partially) assigned to the sales order.

Options for Removing a Pallet:
1. Remove pallet
Only the pallet is removed; the pallet allocation is converted to a batch assignment. This option is enabled by default.

2. Remove pallet and reduce assignment if possible
Both the pallet and its related assignments are removed, and the assigned quantities become available for reassignment.

3. Remove pallet, reduce assignment if possible, and lower sales order line
The pallet and related assignments are removed, freeing up the assigned quantities for reassignment. The quantity on the associated sales order line is reduced.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.


In the WMS App, only the selected pallet is suggested to warehouse staff, streamlining the picking process. The sales staff can link a specific pallet to a sales order or assignment, and the warehouse worker will be directed to the correct location immediately.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

In the pallet assignment screen, batch reservations can be made based on the existing pallet lines on the pallets. The assigned pallet lines are linked to the assignment as a destination.

When assigning a pallet to an assignment, a specific note for order picking can be provided, just as with creating existing reservations.

Pallets can be assigned to an assignment via both the Pallet Consumption and Batch Consumption tabs, using the ‘Reserve Pallet’ button.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

When a warehouse worker scans a pallet line that is not assigned, it will be displayed as ‘not available’. This ensures that only the assigned pallet lines are processed, preventing errors and improving accuracy in the handling process.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

Assigned pallets now appear on the ‘Batch Used’ tab, marked with a pallet icon for easy identification. Once the pallet is actually used, it will be visible on the ‘Pallet used’ tab, as it currently works.

A new filter has been added to both the ‘Pallet Used’ and ‘Batch Used’ tabs. This filter hides zero lines, such as those left after fully returning a pallet, for a cleaner and more streamlined view.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

The destination/reservation at the pallet line level is now visible in several places across different apps:

  • In GreenCommerce, it is displayed in the ‘DestinationAsText’ column.
  • In the WMS App, the destination is visible during picking on the pallet card, with an icon that can be hovered over or clicked. The icon color indicates whether the destination matches the pick list/work order.
  • In both the QC App and Ripening App, the destination is visible in the stock overview. When a user scans or selects a pallet, a side panel opens displaying the destination.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.

In the WMS App, new ‘Sales Order’ and ‘Assignment’ notifications have been added in the form of yellow speech bubbles. These yellow bubbles stand out next to the existing red bubbles, ensuring important notifications are easily noticeable.

Note: This functionality is only available for handling.


In the mobile view of GreenXchange, the pallet type is now visible in the orders screen.

The options for [Complete purchase] of a sales order have been expanded to include the options that were previously available for partial purchasing:

  • Grouping lines
  • Supplier settings

In orders and order lines, you can now see if there are assignments that are on indication. This can be viewed from the SalesOrder (main screen) by adding the column 'ContainsIndicationProductionAssignment'. In the SalesOrderLines, this can be made visible by adding the column 'PercentageContainsIndicationProductionAssignment'.

The sales order line has been extended with a field to record a sticker comment (max. 50 characters). When the sales order line is assigned to a new purchase order line or a new production assignment, the sticker comment is transferred to the purchase order line or production assignment.

It is also possible to include a sticker comment in an inbound and outbound program. If this program is used, the sticker comment is transferred to the inbound and outbound order lines. Additionally, the sticker comment can be imported via an import order template.


Milestones have been added for the following customs declaration statuses:

  • CustomsExportDeclarationPreparedForSending
  • CustomsExportDeclarationModified
  • CustomsExportDeclarationSent
  • CustomsExportDeclarationRequestReceived
  • CustomsExportDeclarationRejected
  • CustomsExportDeclarationExcluded
  • CustomsExportDeclarationCompleted

Please reach out if you would like to make use of these.

The transport temperature in the sales order was previously set to 0 by default. Now, the transport temperature is set to the temperature suggested by the system. When entering new order lines, the automatically suggested temperature will be adjusted accordingly. If the temperature is entered manually, the expected temperature will be shown behind it. If transport orders have already been created, a notification will appear.

When scheduling transport, the manual temperature will be suggested. After creating the transport order, manual changes to the sales order transport temperature will not automatically be applied to the underlying transport orders.

The invoice comment recorded in the service registration is now transferred to the invoice line when the activity is invoiced. If the invoice comment in the service registration is left empty, the invoice comment from the activity will be included in the invoice line (if available).

Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

Columns have been added to the Purchase order, Sales order, and Assignment screens for additional insight into the value of services.

Purchase Order:

Sales order:
SubtotalAmountInServiceRegistrations plus services in the order
Sum of SubtotalAmountInServiceRegistrations from the sales order lines


Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

In an assignment, the button for reserving a batch has been changed to a multi-select button. This way, when more than one line is selected, a different form is displayed where the quantity cannot be adjusted.

When the quantities to be consumed are suggested based on the product content, the quantities are suggested. If this information is not available or the value is greater than the remaining assignable quantity of a batch, the assignable batch quantity will be used.

It is no longer possible to reserve a pallet for a Customer and a Customer group.

Reserving a pallet for a Location is only available for systems that use Re-routing.


Mix pallets are now marked with a pallet icon instead of being displayed in light gray. By default, inactive pallets are shown in light gray in GreenCommerce. This change has been applied in the following screens:

  • The pallet list in a purchase order line
  • The pallet list when selling from stock
  • The pallet list in a batch

When pallets are received, the lines are shown in black because all pallets are inactive. The same applies to used pallets in an assignment.

It was desired to import product lines with decimals via the Excel import into the inbound document lines. This is now possible by importing numbers with decimals in the "content" field.

To avoid disrupting existing templates, the "Content" field is given priority during the import process over the "Quantity" field. If the "Content" field is not yet filled, the "Quantity" field is used for the import.

When splitting a sales order line, it is possible to specify a location. By default, this is filled with the location of the sales order line. The entered location will be used when creating the sales order line for the split part. Once the sales order line is assigned, it is no longer possible to enter a different location.

In the transport planning screen, two buttons have been added to influence the period filter behavior. By default, these are set to 'shipment period,' which filters the period filter based on the shipment date of the lines to be scheduled. When the user selects 'finalization period,' the lines to be scheduled will be filtered by the finalization date. The shortcut 'ALT + L' can be used to switch between the settings.

An extension has been added to the transport orders screen, where an additional tab now provides visibility into the lines in a transport order. The same functionalities are available as when viewing the lines within a transport order. The options 'Open order' and 'Move line to another/new transport order' are new.

A new menu item has been added to 'Transport': 'Planned transport lines.' This menu shows all lines from already planned transport orders.

Fields have been added in the Transport Orders screen under 'Change status' to enter times. The fields are activated using the spacebar, allowing you to enter the times. When activating the field, the focus is immediately moved to the corresponding time field.

When working with labor registration (Production App), these times are used as the leading times when completing production orders. The start and end times are automatically suggested to be taken from the labor registration, reducing the dependency on the exact moments when the registrations were performed. Later, the correct start and end times can be transferred to GreenCommerce. This action is also logged.

Pallets can be blocked based on a KCB status:

Location setting:
During the receiving process, it can be configured per location whether a KCB blockade is used. This allows for handling administrative external locations.

Transfer of container KCB status:
Based on changes in the KCB status of a container, a KCB feature (IsBlockedByKcbStatus) is also recorded in the corresponding purchase order. Releasing the KCB status in a container will release the purchase order and the underlying pallets.

The above requires the use of the importer package.

Insight into active logistical blockages of pallets:

  • A column with ActiveLogisticalBlockageStatus has been added in the pallet screens.
  • Pallets with a KCB blockade can still be moved to a sublocation, but pallets with a KCB blockade may not be picked.

Periodic services are automatically added when creating new batches (based on the agreements made with the goods owner). These service registrations have a start date, which corresponds to the expected receipt date of a batch. If a batch is received earlier, the start date of the service registrations will also be updated so that the determination of the periodic service starts on the correct date.

In the dossier overview and invoicing overview, a separation has been made where the storage of batches (receiving and production) is considered a separate activity and can be invoiced separately. A filter has been added here that by default hides the batches.

For more information, read this update.

For each service registration with a periodic service, the quantities in stock are recorded daily, per location. A distinction is made between administrative and physical stock, both of which can be used as the basis for invoicing.

  • Number of items (administrative/physical)
  • Number of pallets (administrative/physical)
  • Number of pallet spaces (administrative/physical)

The administrative stock is based on batch movements and their corresponding dates, calculated nightly. The physical stock is determined based on the pallet composition of a batch on a given date, calculated once and performed only on the current day.

For each customer agreement, the desired invoicing method can be set. The standard suggestion is determined by a parameter. Contact us to utilize this feature.

For more details, read this update.

For determining the number of hops (the number of periods to be invoiced), it is important to have the correct dates set.

The specifications of a service registration are used to determine the correct quantities for one hop. This establishes the correct basis. In the invoice line of a periodic service, each hop will be specified in its own sub-invoice line.

For more information, read this update.

Booked service registrations can be recharged to another relationship from the customer's dossier or in the service registrations of an activity. An icon will appear. In the master data of a service registration, it is possible to fill in a default relationship to which the service should be recharged.

When invoicing an activity that also includes services to be recharged, multiple invoices will be generated.

For more information, read this update.

Note: this functionality is part of the service registration module.

For handling inbound and outbound orders, the [Cost Items] tab now includes the option to transfer a cost item as a service registration. You can choose to transfer the cost to the goods owner or another related batch. Conversely, it is also possible to easily transfer an already existing service registration to a cost item.

Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

Services can be booked on purchase orders and directly invoiced through an extension in the service master data. This is to invoice administrative services to the customer before the goods are received. Once a service is marked as ‘Administrative’, a number of options will be blocked.

An administrative service is invoiced in advance, even if the goods receipt is not yet final. The registrations that can already be invoiced are placed on a separate invoice, and the activity is considered as ‘partially invoiced’.

For more information, read this update.

Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

In the Dossier, it is now also possible to fully complete it. First, all activities (purchase orders, tasks, and sales orders) must be fully completed, after which the dossier can also be completed. The task 'DossierFullyComplete' is required for this. To reopen it, the user must have the task 'DossierFullyCompleteUndo'. When undoing a Dossier, all underlying activities will not be marked as fully completed.

In the dossier screen, it is also possible to filter the dossiers by 'Is fully complete'.

For more information, read this update.

An additional unit, "pallet places," has been added for booking service registrations. It is also possible to enter a decimal number. During invoicing, the number of billable units is determined more precisely based on the number of pallet places. There has also been an adjustment in the invoicing screen where the "Quantity" column in the invoice lines can now display decimals by default. This is automatically activated when the service registration module is enabled.

Note: This functionality is part of the service registration module.

When linking containers to handling purchase orders after successfully reading an Excel sheet, the initial supplier is now suggested as the consignee by default. If this is not filled in, the goods owner is still suggested.

This may impact the processing of the purchase orders.

It is possible to create collection dossiers based on customer settings. A dossier remains active for one relationship but can contain multiple purchase orders.

Advanced keyboard shortcuts have been added for the actions on the lines in the lower part of the screen in the export administration screen. By using 'CTRL + [comma]', this screen is opened. The user can then choose the desired combination.

The region filters have been converted to filters that allow filtering by multiple regions simultaneously. This has been implemented in the following screens:

- Transport planning
- Transport orders
- Planned transport order lines


The transport order has been extended with a field for the internal note. The internal note can also be modified after the transport order has been completed. Once the transport order is fully completed, the internal note can no longer be modified.

The transport order has been extended with a column 'MrnNumbersAsText'. This column displays the MRN numbers of the underlying customs declarations, separated by commas.

An option has been added to the trading partner settings to fill in an InvoiceApplicationReference. If filled, this will be included in the invoice message.

For situations where one or more purchasing programs are available per supplier, the option to select a program has been added when purchasing from sales. This has been added to the following functionalities:

- Full purchase from the sales order
- Partial purchase from the sales order
- Purchase from the sales order line
- Purchase from stock planning

In the transport planning screen, it is now possible to enable a column with the DateCode through the column chooser.

When purchasing shortages, it is configurable whether the lines should be merged or not. An option has now been added to remember this setting.

The inbound process has been expanded with two new properties:

- PurchaseOrderReference
- TransportUnitCode

These can be selected via the column chooser.

An additional field has been added when creating purchase order line tasks, where the third-party batch number can be recorded. For new tasks/purchase order lines, the field is immediately available for entry, and for existing lines, the same procedure as for modifying the 'Reference' field is applied.

When releasing a picking list (such as a shipment plan, task, and work order), the sublocation groups where pallets are available, which have been assigned to the picking list via a batch or pallet assignment, are displayed. Next to each sublocation, the number of pallets assigned to the picking list is shown. After the picking list is released, the sublocation groups and the number of available pallets are stored in the database. For each type of picking list, a new column "FromSubLocationGroupingCodesAsText" has been added, showing the available pallets and their corresponding sublocations.

The following fields have been added to the 'Add Rest Order' screen (only item):

- Number of items
- Pallet packaging, factor, and number of pallets
- Handling end-customer
- Remark
- Sticker remark
- Internal remark
- End customer remark
- Third-party batch number
- Date code

An extension has been added that partially aligns the functionalities for unchecking pallets and pallet lines.

Depending on the type of assignment and system settings, not all fields are available.

A user-specific parameter has been created for saving and directly notifying. This appears in:

- Inventory planning screen, button ‘Produce and notify’.
- Production orders screen, with the option ‘Copy orders’, by default, the checkbox ‘Notify directly’ is checked.
- Purchase order screen; the save button becomes visible depending on the purchase order lines. So, either ‘Save’ or ‘Save and notify receipt location(s)’.
- The check for direct notification when creating residual orders.

A new button, ‘Produce and Notify,’ has been created, which only becomes available when multiple orders are selected, and the correct parameter is enabled. If there are producers (locations) with the correct communication settings, a pop-up screen will appear showing which locations will be notified. These can be disabled if necessary. It is the same screen used for the normal ‘Notify receiving location(s)’ button, which is used in multiple places.

For a relation (both supplier and customer), it is now possible to specify a different number of days between shipment and finalizing, in addition to specifying different shipment and finalizing times per day. This will be taken into account when creating an order. In an order line, it is now also possible to set a different shipment and finalizing date alongside the shipment and finalizing time. By default, this field remains empty. In such cases, the process will fall back to the order's shipment and finalizing date and times. This also makes it possible, for example, to apply only a different finalizing time or a different shipment date for a line. From the transport assignment, it is now also possible to adjust the shipment and finalizing dates of the selected lines.

Order number determination of regular pallet documents (e.g. customer pallet label)
PalletPackaging.Number of Copies

Order number determination when reporting in (printing the PI)
PalletPackaging.Number of Copies
SystemDocumentType.PI => SystemParameter.DefaultPINumber

When reporting receipts received via the ServiceBus, SupplierNumberPiReporting is now also taken into account, which takes into account the starting supplier.

Order quantity determination upon loading (printing the SSCC)
PalletPackaging.Number of Copies
SystemDocumentType.SSCC => SystemParameter.DefaultSsccNumber

Compared to previous versions, when printing the pallet sticker (PI), the setting in the system document (3) now takes precedence over the system parameter (4).

The transit check when making a batch reservation (usage) in an order has been moved. Previously, the transit numbers were already checked when making a reservation, while this is an administrative operation and the check is not yet required.

Now the quantities are checked at the moment that pallets containing transit consignments are actually used, this also applies to usage in two steps.

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