Banana release | read the release notes - GreenCommerce

The Banana release is all about technical and speed improvements, among other things the Excel import module. By adding new settings to the Excel import, a lot of actions are no longer necessary. Various improvements have also been made to invoicing, which has given the financial part more substance. The Banana release is a mandatory version. Read the release notes below:


In order to correctly export the direct debit invoices, including VAT, extensions have been created with which the payment terms for direct debits are filled in according to the Exact format.

A price reference date is set in program lines. This has been set retroactively to the last change date of the program lines, with the 'from date' as a fallback for already existing programs.

When deploying a program, it is based on this price reference date, the original unit price or package price excl. pallet is calculated and then entered.

From now on, a sales order will always record the customer's preference. As when adding a new sales order, the handling end customer is taken into account if known.

When copying order lines to other orders, an additional check has been applied in cases where a main sales requirement is used at sales order level. The sales requirement in the line is only copied if the main sales requirement matches.

When a system is set up to create customs declarations based on transport, the purchase order lines can now also be added to a declaration. The order lines that qualify must be scheduled for transport, be in an order with the 'Standard' type and the (end) location must be in a country for which a customs declaration is required.

The 'Purchasing result' tab provides insight into the margin over the entire purchase order, which can be found under the 'Profit margin' label.

New parameters have been created with which the date filters in 'Invoicing sales orders' can be influenced. For this development, 30 days were removed from the 'as of date', so this is the default value for the 'as of date' system parameter.

In the overview of the price lists, the filter has been expanded with three options.

  • Customers
  • Customer groups
  • Countries (Country logistics of the relationship of a price list)

The 'Internal comment' field has been increased from 50 to 255 characters

The columns 'TotalNetWeight', 'TotalGrossWeight' and 'TotalGrossWeightInclPallet' have now been added in both the purchase orders and the sales orders screen. The columns can be enabled via the column selector. The columns show the added weights of the underlying lines.

In the following screens, the article group and article main group filters have been changed from single-value filters to multi-value filters:

  • Inventory planning (ccNotAssignedShortages)
  • Batch reservation (ccBatchSalesRipeStock)
  • Batch stock (ccBatchesInStock)
  • Ripe stock (ccRipeStock)
  • Stock (ccStock)
  • Historical stock (ccStockHistory)
  • Stock expected vs sold (ccStockExpectedVsSold)

When moving order lines, there was already an option to possibly remove the lines from a transport order when moving. However, this option was not visible when one line was moved. Now this option is also visible when moving a single line.

When moving a purchase order, it is now possible to choose to remove the order lines from the transport order. By default, the option is checked so that the current working method is not changed.

An option has been added to both the Item Day Prices grid and the Item Day Prices list view to filter on one or more tags of the items.

The purchase order has been expanded on the 'Financial' tab with a 'Financial comment'. This comment must be filled in when the price of a purchase order line is changed. As an extra, the 'Reference' label is now filled with the reference of the purchase order line.

An extra filter has been added in the pallets in stock screen with which a sublocation group can be selected. If one or more locations are filled, the filter for the sublocation group will be adjusted accordingly. When a sublocation group is filled, the filter for the sublocation is adjusted accordingly.

Additional functionalities have been added if it is not set to always send Excel price lists. If a situation arises in which not every price list is sent as Excel, the option is available to indicate per customer that an Excel price list is desired.

When generating a price list, it is now determined whether it should be sent as Excel or not. When sending, you can choose whether a price list is sent as Excel or as PDF.


The filter in the screen with 'invoices to be sent' has been adjusted. By default it is set to 'To be sent', which has created a blank screen.

For EDI invoices, the 'EDI Invoices check mark' is currently already checked, this has remained unchanged. Currently, the invoices already take into account whether the customer 'works with FreshBabel'. It has been added whether the relationship also works with the invoice message (300) and whether it is set up for outgoing communication.

In the ccHandlingRelationshipInvoicing screen, date filters for 'billable from' and 'billable until' have been made adjustable.


When invoicing an activity, the underlying registrations were also invoiced. This was done when a registration has the 'IsBillabler' attribute. However, this feature always remained, even if the registration had previously been invoiced separately.

With this development, the underlying registrations are assessed on the characteristic 'IsReadyForInvoicing' (May invoice), this characteristic does change when a registration is invoiced earlier.

In the list of activities to be invoiced, the amount in the 'To be invoiced' column has been adjusted. The underlying registrations that have already been invoiced are now taken into account here.

For better insight, the columns 'Billable', 'May invoice' and 'Invoiced' are also included in the standard columns for lines.



By default, for registrations to be invoiced separately, registrations that may not be invoiced are no longer shown. These can still be viewed by checking the box 'Incl. may not invoice'. The period filter has been removed in the 'Search and filter settings'.

When the user starts invoicing individual registrations and registrations have been selected that should not be invoiced, a message will appear. If there are no registrations left to invoice, this was the last notification. If there are any registrations left to invoice, the user will receive an additional question that must be confirmed.

In order to indicate per customer whether the item names should be included in the declaration, a new setting has been created for the relation on the customer tab, in the KCB declaration settings. This setting can be used to indicate whether the item names for this customer should always be included, should never be included, or whether the company settings should be followed.

When drawing up a KCB declaration, the new attitude of the customers involved in the KCB declaration is taken into account. If one of the customers has the setting set to 'Yes', the setting will also be set to 'Yes' in the KCB declaration. If this is set to 'Follow company settings', the setting in the declaration will also be set to 'Follow company settings'. If this is not the case, the setting will be set to 'No'. If necessary, the user can adjust the setting manually.

The label has been changed to “QC App batch”. In addition, it is now no longer possible to click on the number.

Where previously all data was included in each line of the import file, a specific cell can now be selected to import data. Advanced importing is only available for new import order templates; existing templates can continue to be used. Advanced importing can only be used with xlsx files.

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