The next step in paperless working for fresh produce companies | Transport App
Various topics are on the roadmap for the first quarter of 2023, including the developments for the latest Transport App. Last year, Dylan started developing for this App at jem-id. We are currently finalizing the latest developments, after which the first version will soon be tested by a pilot group. In this update, Developer Dylan explains what users can expect from the Transport App and what developments still lie ahead.
“I came in at jem-id as an intern, with the Transport App being my internship assignment. Before that, previous studies had already been carried out focused on the applicability of the App, which made the assignment very concrete. After my internship, I was able to continue working on the App.” The App is currently being finalized to prepare for the first pilot phase. “Soon we will start with the first pilot in which the functionalities will be tested by three companies who work on the basis of batch registration. The resulting feedback will largely form the basis for future developments.”

The Transport App supports companies that employ their own drivers to pick up or deliver goods. Goods are often picked up by trucks or vans from nearby suppliers. For these situations in particular, there is still a lot of mutual communication by means of paper pickinng lists. “The paper work order entails a number of practical problems. In addition to the fact that it takes time to print and distribute the orders, they also get lost. Changes must be called through and are scratched out with a pen on the order. Also, someone's handwriting can cause confusion, where, for example, 47 pieces are read as 41 pieces. By making the paper transport orders available digitally, you have immediately solved these problems. In addition, the App promotes mutual communication and you are always assured of the most up-to-date information.” says Dylan.
The pilot will take place in the second quarter of 2023 for approximately one month. The Transport App is a useful addition for GreenCommerce users who work on the basis of batch registration. “Within the Transport App it is possible for order pickers to access their transport orders, receive updates on them and report back on the progress. Changes are immediately visible and are shown extra clearly by means of a red color. In addition, the transport orders can be made clear via groupings and sortings based on region, priority and expected delivery/collection times. In the future, push notifications will also be developed so that changes and updates can be noticed immediately, even when the App is not open.”
With the Transport App, another major step has been taken towards paperless working for fresh produce companies. Dylan concludes: “With every project I learn a lot from the front-end, the Transport App is also a good example of that. I have learned a lot from experienced colleagues and by applying the techniques in practice, you pick it up faster next time. In addition, everything comes to life much more when you visit customers and see the issue in person. Only then can you really understand what a system can do for a company.”
Questions or more information about the Transport App?
Contact us at or call +31 174 - 642 622.