AGF Software Consultancy
Do you want to optimize your daily process?
Our fresh produce specialists have years of experience in the industry and are available to analyze your daily processes and successfully implement change.
Role of the fresh produce consultants
Since the start of GreenCommerce, our focus has been on making the internal processes of fresh produce companies more efficient. The continuing trends of scaling, among other things, ensure that companies in the sector continue to grow and/or specialize further. This means that working methods and processes will change. From this position, our consultants look at how they can continue to provide added value for your organization in the future. They do this not only for your fresh produce company, but for the entire supply chain. Our Mission is therefore:
“JEM-id wants to contribute to maintaining the global pioneering role of the Dutch fresh produce sector by adding IT solutions.”

During the consultations we help your organization with issues such as:
- What will your company look like in 5 years' time and how do you keep day-to-day processes efficient?
- How do you create insight, so that you as an organization can manage even better on the basis of data?
Our fresh produce advisors keep a close eye on all trends in the fresh produce sector.
Trends in the fresh produce sector:
- Increase in scale
- Change in the Supply Chain
- Specialization
- Internationalization
- Food safety, transparency and sustainability
- Digitization and data
- Power of retailers
Request a consultation
Fill in the completed form, call: 0174 64 26 22 or send an email to